by admin | Mar 17, 2019 | gallery, wray
Oops… this is a bit late but shows an overall picture of Amanda’s MA exhibition of interactive sculptures, sound, digital print, zoetrope and animations. University of Derby, July 2018.
by admin | Dec 19, 2017 | clay, educational, metalwork, wray
by admin | Nov 28, 2017 | gallery, kinetic, white, white-wray, wray
Amanda and Johnny have been asked to exhibit, select and organise the curated exhibition at Wirksworth Festival in 2018 and are currently lining up artists to exhibit alongside themselves at the Parish Rooms, Church and around town. They plan to put together the most...
by admin | Nov 28, 2017 | gallery, wray
Amanda currently has small sculptures and digital prints on show (and for sale) at the Cupola Gallery Sheffield, see;