Heads Will Turn
Pharaoh Nuff’s Enough
Doris the crash landed Dalek
Darth Waders
Making a Beeline detail - honeycomb
Forkocactus Spoonelliflora
Making a Beeline for Dodworth
Heavy Metal Guitar
Leaf Cutter Ant
Trevithick’s Alarm Clock
The sum of the parts is greater than the wall
Gripple Spider
The Lantern of Arden
Cutlery Swarm
Rush Hour 2
Heron Now
Pike Diver and Wave
Jimmy Riddle
Scale Tree Installed
Toy Racer
Barking up the Right Tree
Emperor Dragonfly
Barking Up The right tree detail – Art Critic
The Happy Reader
Get a Head with an Electric Eel
Cutlery Swarm anodised section detail