Making a Beeline for Dodworth
Making a Beeline detail - honeycomb
Cutlery Swarm
Scale Tree Installed
Heavy Metal Guitar
Heads Will Turn
Doris the crash landed Dalek
Jimmy Riddle
Forkocactus Spoonelliflora
Rush Hour 2
The Lantern of Arden
Toy Racer
Darth Waders
Barking Up The right tree detail – Art Critic
The Happy Reader
Emperor Dragonfly
Leaf Cutter Ant
Pharaoh Nuff’s Enough
The sum of the parts is greater than the wall
Gripple Spider
Trevithick’s Alarm Clock
Get a Head with an Electric Eel
Heron Now
Pike Diver and Wave
Cutlery Swarm anodised section detail
Barking up the Right Tree